OK: Oklahoma lawmaker pushes bill for ‘chemical castration’ of sex offenders


A Republican lawmaker is pushing to add Oklahoma to the list of states in which so-called chemical castration is an option for certain sex offenders.

State representative Rick West, a first-term lawmaker from Heavener, said he filed the bill at the request of a constituent and that he fully intends to push for its passage. It is likely to face strong opposition, even in a conservative state.

If approved, Oklahoma would join at least seven other states that have laws allowing courts to order chemical treatments that reduce male testosterone for certain sex offenders.

Experts say the punishment is rarely carried out and one described it as a “half fantasy” version of criminal justice.

West said: “When I knocked on that guy’s door when I was campaigning, he said: ‘I’ll vote for you if you’ll run this bill.’”

West, who has also introduced a measure that would allow tobacco back inside state prisons, said he is confident his constituents will support efforts to prevent sex crimes, especially against children.

Under the bill , anyone convicted of a sexually violent offense could be required as a condition of release to take the drugs designed to reduce a male offender’s testosterone and sexual libido. A second offense would require the treatment unless a court determined it would not be effective.

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Wait… so castration is now part of punishment. Do thieves get their hands cut off? Do DUI’s get their livers shrunk? Do white collars get lobotomized?

Isn’t castration a form of deterrence after punishment is levied upon a crime?

Maybe we should all join the talibán. This way we could turn ourselves in and be sent to guantanamo bay. The legal protections we will receive there will surpass those we have hear. We will also all have food and housing in a nice tropical environment. I bet if we played our cards right we could even go to the beach.
The only downpart is that when released from guantanamo Bay, and returned to the state we came from, we would be rearrested for not giving 21 days notice prior to leaving the country.

More ignorant comments on this one.

Honestly, if such “treatment” is only effective on those willing to take it, why is this proposal even necessary? And if the SO is insane enough to mandate the “treatment”, how can he be sane enough to accept it willingly? Doesn’t it sort of relate to the conundrum of how some were sane enough to take a plea, but lack mental facility to avoid civil commitment? Wouldn’t it just be easier to make it illegal to be insane?

Doubt this proposal would survive the court system, even if passed.

Oh look, another newbie lawmaker writing his “What I Did this Summer” essay! 😡

Perhaps castration for lawmakers who waste the public’s time proposing these insane laws!

What was the onus of the constituent wanting this Bill to be proposed? Retribution? Hatred? Previous victim of an unreported incident?

Who was the constituent that wanted this Bill? Family? Friend? Lover?

Was there monetary gain from this proposal?

Just a vote for a Bill? 🤔

Sounds suspect from the first timer.

They are also considering chopping off hands for shoplifters and stoning adulterers, with public flogging as an option for some liars.

Sounds like it was an “anonymous” constituent. “By golly I was asked to do this and I represent the people of my district”. In other words I’m a first timer and I need some controversy to get my name out there and get noticed.

I can here his publicist or media relations person saying. “It doesn’t matter if it’s a good well thought out bill or a bad one. It’s sex offender legislation how can you go wrong”. And the more preposterous the bill the bigger your name gets. When actually it’s a cheap shot.

I see a day when sex offender legislation is going to be like LGBTQ issues. People are still going to have moral, religious, or personal reasons to not like sex offenders. But they are going to realize even people who have committed what they see as reprehensible crimes have constitutionally guaranteed rights.

Whether they like it or not.

Like how registration is akin to membership at Price Club, maybe John Roberts will one day argue that chemical castration is no more onerous than giving up meat for lent.

So sick and demonic of this lawmaker!

If this bill is passed, how far behind are Nazi style Concentration camps for RSOs in Oklahoma? No doubt, as the commentator “T” above says, this guy is a demonic force, but worse, he is sitting in a seat of authority. But he is not alone. Many, many state and federal legislators all over this country are of the same mind set. I would make 5:1 odds that there are indeed plans for Nazi style concentration camps for RSOs on the drawing board in many states; but we shall see. Something is very, very sick and evil going on here in America right now. From the Oval Office through state legislatures all the way down to the common citizenry. Something is very, very wrong right now, and people all over the world are paying attention and recognize this American sickness. I read a commentary just last week from a highly respected journalist who said….” America has lost its moral authority to counsel anyone on anything around the world…” And I agree. America needs to take the LOG out of its eye before it can tell anyone else to take the SPECK out of theirs.

another messed up state suppose the SO wants to have kids with his wife….. screw that state, another one that should be wiped off the map by a hurricane lol